10892 PARKWAY RD, POUND WI 54161
This is an open quarterly meeting of the Commissioners of the White Potato Lake District.
Notice of this meeting was given to the public at least 24 hours prior to the meeting, by forwarding the complete agenda to the town of Brazeau and by posting to public bulletin boards at the Brazeau Town Hall, Rescue building and the WPL Sanitary building on Walkers Bay Rd. Copies of the complete agenda are available for inspection at the Brazeau Town Hall or the Lake District website: https://www.wpldistrict.org
Call to order – at 6 pm chair Wittmann called the meeting to order
Roll Call – present Williams, Schaefer, Schneider, Kneibel, Wittmann, others present Steve Heimerman, Ken Dolata, John Jensema, Christine Jensema, Laurie VanDenElzen, James Rock, Dan VanStraten, Fred Rosner, Sue Belleau, Mark Wildenberg, Vicki Jensema, Bob Jensema, Dennis Schaefer
Adoption of agenda – motion by Williams, second by Schaefer to adopt the agenda as presented. Passed 5-0
Minutes from Sept 2, 2023- this was not acted on because it has to be done at the annual membership meeting.
Treasurers report – no report given because nothing has changed or deposited
Comments from the public – Dennis Schaefer recommended to the board that we add the Pledge of Allegiance to our agenda
Committee reports – none
Discussion items:
Action items:
 Items for next agenda – committee reports and minutes for meetings
 Next meeting proposed Jan 8, 2024 – this day was agreed with all commissioners
 Adjournment motion by Williams second by Schneider to adjourn.
Submitted by Williams 11/22/2023